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 For the purpose driven entrepreneur who is ready to scale their offerings into a business model that builds a passive income earning asset, allowing you to leave the "time for money" jail and enter the freedom of  optimizing your offering with less time and thousands of dollars  more.

Scalable Asset building for the Purpose Driven Entrepreneur in a 16 week container with those on the same trajectory ✨

As seen in

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Mission + Purpose driven entrepreneurs are stuck trading their time for money to keep afloat, they're capped on growth because they're trading time for money, with no opportunity, extra time or energy to scale


In our experience, it's one of two things, either, these entrepreneurs do not know how to present their unique offerings that ensures bookings monthly without major output of content, which leaves them burnt out and the income generated from such output doesnt surpass the amount of energy put in to generate it in the first place




These mission based entrepreneurs are booking week after week but are still stuck in time -for-money jail, if they take a break from bookings, so does their income. Many of these entrepreneurs do not have an extra stream of income in line with their offering that can guarantee a larger sum of money with less 1-1 time with clients.


Most mission based entrepreneurs do not know how to create offerings that can scale income that requires less time and provides more longevity that increases in value over time, many are just trying to stay afloat and get bookings consistently.


 A business model that requires the same in put vs output is arguably not an asset at all. Many of these entrepreneurs haven't yet realized that it's not the offering that is the asset but the entrepreneur herself!



Restructure the way you see and present your offering and get access to the proven framework to build and scale a course in your expertise that is not only an income generating asset but an asset that increases in value year after year, providing you financial freedom but greater reach. 

When you join the Purpose accelerator, you are not just joining a group of likeminded women but you are getting access to a container of professionals and strategists that know how to take a mission based entrepreneur from time for money to course creation and execution that guarantees sales and longevity of the evergreen opportunity one has at their disposal. 

"We are done with just trying to make ends meet as alternative, mission based business women, we are entering a time were the divine feminine can exist in business in her own unique way and scale from her heart, for a life time!

Now it is her time to restructure her business model to create a solid mission based asset that ensures financial stability and freedom that she can scale for the rest of her life✨

Imagine a world where

Your purpose-driven business not only makes a difference and reaches more people in less time but also becomes a lucrative asset, allowing you to earn more while working less and have more time and money to start doing more of what you love...

Welcome to the Purpose Accelerator,

The accelerator program in a 16 week all-in container, that consists of 5 mission based women and a team of experienced experts in the field of personal branding, course creation and evergreen prep that will lead you by the hand week after week to build out your own asset, launch plan, execution and preparation for the evergreen process that can literally make you money while you sleep.


The team specializes in helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs like you scale your businesses effortlessly. We believe that aligning your purpose with profitability is the key to long-term success.


A 16 week acceleration container that builds week after week, we will build your own course asset, masterclass, landing pages, content plan and launch together and execute using the 6 Week Launch Framework to ensure a seamless and financially abundant launch that will generate an increase in sales, year after year. You will also receive a cart closing review to prepare for evergreen success

In plain terms; you will be guided every step of the way to take what you have built as a niche entrepreneur and turn it into a course asset, but not just ANY course asset, a course with the exact science and framework that allows launch success and profit your first time round! While you are taught every step of the way, there will be items you will prepare while the team takes on most of the back end tech so you don't have to. Once your assets are ready to go, the team will set you up with a content plan geared toward your launch and all will be reviewed by a highly experienced and successful coach to make sure you have the best formula for success.

You will be taken through a 6 week launch plan and the team will be by your side for your first launch, this is where you get to reap the profits for the first time!


Once you have gone through your first launch and cashed in, the team will review all your analytics and give you feedback and steps to curate your evergreen asset (if you so choose)

At this point, you would have created a course asset with the entire framework that you can cycle month after month, year after year, to generate you an unlimited amount of money, depending on the strategy you take and the growth you create. 

Now that you have built a successful asset that has proven it's success, you have the choice to join the Purpose Agency and take the asset evergreen - This can make you money while you sleep; A TRUE ASSET



Weekly Group Call

Weekly 1 on 1 Call with Sarah Lea

Customer Voice Manual discovering 

Course Topic Choice and Validity

 Course definition and Client Transformation 

Course Modules and Workflow

PDF build out for Lead generation and Credibility 

Content Structure to position yourself as an expert build trust.


Weekly Group Call

Weekly 1-1 Call with Sarah Lea

Setting up the tech:

ActiveCampaign Set Up

Webinar/Masterclass Set Up + Flow in Webinar Jam

Course Drip and flow in Course hosting Platform

Landing script + page build out to optimize sales

Webinar invitation and Reminder Emails

Sales Emails 

Welcome emails

Creating your Sales Transforming Webinar

Increasing Profitability with Bonus offerings



Weekly Group Call

Weekly 1-1 Call with Sarah Lea

Many Chat Creation for increased engagement and retention

Back end tech build out by the Transformation Team (includes tags, flows, triggers etc)

Social Media Strategy and Content Plan

Identity Work + Overcoming the Ego ✨

Course Launch - Week 1+2



Weekly Group Call

Weekly 1-1 Call with Sarah Lea

1-1 Call with course expert Courtney to ensure perfect launch 

Sales Transforming Webinar Coaching course launch Week 3,4,5,6

Course Close out and review. 

Build your future alongisde others and have a team building out the rest for you.

By scaling your purpose driven business, you can unlock the potential to earn more money passively. Say goodbye to the constant hustle and hello to building a sustainable asset that works for you, even when you are not actively working on it.

"I went from 4 clients a week, capped with income to making $10K on my first launch and increasing sessions from my launch plan to 6-10 a week"

Everyone always asked me to do a course but i literally did not know where to start, having gone through the process, I'm mad I didn't do it sooner because of the peace of mind this extra revenue stream has given me. Plus Sarah's way of making me believe in myself and really understand what it means to be an asset has changed the way I look at my business now"

- Belinda C, Reiki Coach ✨


Meet Sarah Lea

As a Celebrity Animal Communicator, I got stuck in time -for-money jail, My revenue potential was capped and so was my energy. I found an exact framework to build an asset around my career and in my first launch, I generated over $13K, this almost doubled on the second launch, but so did my session + coaching business, because of the launch content. The time and money I put into building this asset was an immediate ROI. I have financial security for the rest of my life and nobody can take that from me. 

Now, not only do I have a thriving Animal Communication business, Pet wellness brand and coaching program, but I take likeminded women through this same process, so we can ALL thrive. 

It is part of my mission to help women who have had the courage to build a personal brand and a mission based business, pivot that into a business model that can truly generate wealth.

Meet The Transformation Team

Disclaimer: The While there is a proven framework and a highly skilled team to provide you as much success as possible, there are no guarantees on how much profit you can generate at any given time, The success is dependent on the work you put in, the audience and engagement you have and the market that you are offering to. The success of this framework is also highly dependent on you meeting the deliverables week after week in order to be ready for the launch date. The container ends at the date stipulated in the calendar you are provided, if for some reason you have not met the deliverables by such date or need to push the launch back, the time you may need from the team will be an extra fee as it will not fall in to the time allocated and afforded by the container. 

If you are accepted to the program and have made your first purchase, you agree to completing all 4 payments stipulated by this program Failure to do so will result in legal action. The first payment is to be made by no later than the start date of the program, late payments by 2 days will be accepted with no late fees. if payments are made more than 2 days after expected date, there will be a $100 late fee. 

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